From mid 2007 to mid 2010 I helped to develop the concrete5 content management system, joining them as part of the core team at OSCON 2008 for the open-source release through the 5.4 release at SXSW 2010. I’ve since moved on to other projects, but I continue to develop and support my own collection of concrete5 packages… Read More »
ProPhoto Image Gallery
A highly customizable filmstrip style image gallery.
Mailing List System
Sends emails & newsletters to any group, and allows your users to easily subscribe and unsubscribe.
Stats – Concrete5 Traffic & Statistics
A better way to monitor the traffic on your concrete5 site
RSS Feed Creator
Create and configure rich-text feeds for your site, with clean URLs
Popup Block
Make links to other pages on your site open with a popup dialog box. Works with existing blocks & areas.
Real Estate
A complete real-estate solution for realtors wanting to offer searchable property listings on their websites.
Jobs Board
List job openings on your website, and provide an interface for users search, filter, and apply for employment opportunities
Image / File Search
Find images and files by keyword, tag, or attribute
Rapid Paging
Automatically make links load through AJAX, without a full page refresh
Link List
A simple way to manage links and their descriptions
Link System
Let your users suggest links, and display thumbnails for each.
User Info
Display user avatar, info & attributes
Billboards (Homepage Indexed Images Block)
Display a set of images on your website, indexed by clickable numbers to jump to each one.
File/Image Details
Easily display any properties or attributes of a file. Great for making a standalone image or file details page to help with search engine indexing.
Multi-File Attribute (Free)
A new custom attribute type for associating multiple images or files to a page or user.
Books (Free)
Recommend your favorite books, and provide links to Amazon or Powells
Next Previous (Free)
Navigate through sibling pages.